If you receive a code violation
The goal of code compliance is to gain compliance and maintain Doral’s property maintenance standards and regulations. We do not wish to unduly penalize anyone.
*Take prompt action to correct the violation. If you are not sure what needs to be corrected, how to correct it or, if you are working toward correcting the violation, but need additional time due to special circumstances, it is important that you call the Code Compliance Officer to discuss your issues. In most cases, additional time will be provided if the individual circumstances warrant such an extension.
Failure to correct violations may result in a case proceeding to the Special Magistrate with the potential for fines being levied; costs incurred being charged and a lien being placed against the property.
When contacting the Code Compliance Department please have your case number readily available in order to help access your case. Code Compliance Officers are often out in the field throughout the day, but will return voice mails and emails as soon as possible.
For additional information please call us:
305-593-6680 or email: CodeCompliance@cityofdoral.com