Information Technology

The Information and Technology Department provides and empowers the City's business partners and Doral's residents, visitors and businesses with sustained, reliable and efficient technology services, infrastructure and telecommunications. Leveraging state-of-the-art tools, innovative methods and strategic partnerships, we are at the center of shaping the City of Doral’s Smart City strategy. The Smart City leadership has come from the elected officials, city executives and senior staff. This is critical to building a smart city which requires championing the strategy at the highest level or the organization, a system-wide view and an integrated approach.
Today there is a strong sense of collaboration and consensus among our departments as we remain focused on the City of Doral Strategic Plan 2015/2016 and paving the way for future innovative solutions transparent, informed, and effective decision-making process for managing the demand and supply of best-managed IT services while encouraging sponsor and stakeholder engagement. Our focus is to lower the cost of services by leveraging inter-organizational collaboration and efficiencies.
The key to our Smart City Strategy is using information and communications technology to enhance our livability, workability and sustainability. To that end, the technology allows the organization to collect information about its operation through
different sensors; next, that data is communicated to the information systems that process and ‘crunch’ it, analyzing the information collected to understand what is happening, initiate responsive actions and even predict what is likely to happen
next. These are the core functions we follow when implementing new technologies in the City of Doral.

The Power of Updating
Cyber attackers are constantly looking for and finding new vulnerabilities in the software you use every day. A vulnerability is a mistake or weakness in how software was developed. This software may run your laptop, the mobile apps on your
smartphone, or perhaps even the software in your thermostat. Cyber attackers take advantage of and exploit these software vulnerabilities, allowing them to remotely break into systems, including the ones you use. At the same time, the vendors
who create the devices and software are constantly developing new fixes for these vulnerabilities and pushing them out as software updates. One of the best ways you can protect yourself is to ensure that the technologies you use always have
these latest updates. These updates not only fix known vulnerabilities, but often add new security features, making it much harder for cyber attackers to hack into your devices.

Online Security for Kids
Our kids' lives are online today more than ever, from socializing with friends and gaming, to online learning and education. So how can we help our kids make the most of online technology, safely and securely?

The Power of Password Managers
Are You Frustrated with Passwords?
Like most people, you likely find creating, managing, and remembering all your different passwords a daunting task. It seems like every website has different password rules and many require additional security measures such as security questions.
Wouldn’t it be great if there was a single solution to take care of all your password problems? There is. It’s called a password manager.

Securing Your Financial Accounts
Your financial accounts are a primary target for cyber-criminals. You have money, and they will do anything to steal it. By financial accounts, we mean not only your checking or savings accounts, but also investments, retirement, and online
payment accounts like PayPal. Fortunately, with some simple, fundamental steps, you can protect yourself.

Artificial Intelligence: What to Know
What is It and Why Should I Care?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) describes systems programmed to think and respond like humans. In fact, we asked the AI solution ChatGPT that very question and got this response.

Scareware: A Story
Warning! Your computer is infected with Black Basta ransomware. Call this phone number right
away to fix your computer! - If you saw this warning pop-up on your computer, would you call the phone number?

Do I Need Security Software?
When you bought a new computer years ago, you often had to install additional security software on your computer to help ensure it was secure against cyber attackers. However, most of today’s computers and devices have numerous security features
already built into them, such as automatic-updating, firewalls, disk encryption, and file protection. In addition, Microsoft provides on Windows computers security functionality called Microsoft Defender, which includes additional features such
as anti-virus.

Biometrics – Making Security Simple
Do you hate passwords? Are you tired of constantly logging into new websites or can’t remember all of your complex passwords? Frustrated by having to generate new passwords for new accounts or having to change old passwords for existing accounts?
We have good news for you. There is a solution called biometrics that helps make cybersecurity easier for you. Below we explain what biometrics are, how they make your life simpler and why you will start seeing more of them.

Browsers such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari, or Mozilla Firefox are one of the most common ways people interact with the Internet. We use them for reading the news, checking email, shopping online, watching videos, and playing
games. As a result, browsers are also a target for cyber attackers.

Simple Steps for Safety Online
Cyber scams are nothing new. Every day, hackers and other cyber criminals are looking for the easiest target online. Do you think you’re not worth being the target of online predators? Think again!

Got Backups?
If you use a computer or mobile device long enough, sooner or later something will go wrong. You may accidentally delete the wrong files, have a hardware failure, or lose a device. Even worse, malware may infect and wipe or encrypt your files.
At times like these, backups are often the only way you can rebuild your digital life.

Charity & Disaster Scams
Cyber criminals know that one of the best ways to rush people into making a mistake is by creating a heightened sense of urgency. And one of the easiest ways to create a sense of urgency is to take advantage of a crisis. This is why cyber criminals
love it whenever there is a traumatic event with global impact.

Phishing Attacks Are Getting Trickier
Phishing attacks have become the most common method cyber attackers use to target people at work and at home. Phishing attacks have traditionally been emails sent by cyber attackers to trick you into doing something you should not do, such as
opening an infected email attachment, clicking on a malicious link, or sharing your password.

Top Three Social Media Scams
While social media is a fantastic way to communicate, share, and have fun with others, it is also a lowcost way for cyber criminals to trick and take advantage of millions of people. Don’t fall victim to the three most common scams on social

Learn a New Survival Skill: Spotting Deepfakes
The word "deepfake" is a combination of "deep learning" and "fake." Deepfakes are falsified pictures, videos, or audio recordings. Sometimes the people in them are computer-generated, fake identities that look and sound like they could be real

Anyone Can Start a Career in Cybersecurity
We read about cybersecurity in the news almost every day as organizations and governments around the world continue to get hit with ransomware, scams, and cyber attacks. There is a huge demand for people trained in cybersecurity to help defend
against these growing threats. In fact, recent studies estimate that there are almost 3 million cybersecurity job openings globally.

Spot and Stop Messaging Attacks
Smishing (a portmanteau word combining SMS and phishing) are attacks that occur when cyber attackers use SMS, texting, or similar messaging technologies to trick you into taking an action you should not take. Perhaps they fool you into providing
your credit card details, get you to call a phone number to get your banking information, or convince you to fill out an online survey to harvest your personal information.

One Simple Step to Securing Your Accounts
Does it seem like cyber criminals have a magic wand for getting into your email or bank accounts and there’s nothing you can do to stop them? Wouldn’t it be great if there was one single step you could take that would help protect your from
cyber criminals and let you securely make the most of technology? While no sole step will stop all cyber criminals, one of the most important steps you can take is to enable something called two-factor authentication (sometimes called 2FA, two-step
verification, or multi-factor authentication) on your most important accounts.

Securely Using the Cloud
You may have heard of a concept called “the cloud.” This means using a service provider on the internet to store and manage your data. Examples include creating documents on Google Docs, accessing email in Microsoft O365, sharing files via Dropbox,
or storing your pictures on Apple’s iCloud. While you access and synchronize your data from multiple devices anywhere in the world and share your information with anyone you want, you often do not know and cannot control where your data is physically

Securing Your Mobile Devices
Mobile devices are an amazing and easy way to communicate with friends, shop or bank online, watch movies, play games, and perform a myriad of other activities. Since these devices are such an important part of your life, it is essential to
keep you and your devices safe and secure.

Vishing – Phone Call Attacks and Scams
When you think of a cyber criminal you probably think of an evil mastermind sitting behind a computer, launching sophisticated attacks over the internet. While some of today’s cyber criminals do use advanced technologies, many simply use the
phone to trick their victims.

Privacy – Protecting Your Digital Footprint
There are many different definitions of “privacy.” We are going to focus on personal privacy, protecting the information about you that others collect. In today's digital world, you would be astounded at all the different entities that not only
collect information about you, but who then legally share or sell that information.

Identity Theft – Protecting Yourself
Identity theft happens when a criminal steals information about you and uses that information to commit fraud, such as requesting unemployment benefits, tax refunds, or a new loan or credit card in your name.

I’m Hacked. Now What?
No matter how secure you are, sooner or later you may have an accident and become hacked. Below are clues you might have been hacked and if so, what to do.

Securing Wi-Fi At Home
To create a secure home network, you need to start by securing your Wi-Fi access point (sometimes called a Wi-Fi router). This is the device that controls who and what can connect to your home network. Here are five simple steps to securing
your home Wi-Fi to create a far more secure home network for you and your family.

Securing the Generation Gap
Trying to securely make the most of today’s technology can be overwhelming for almost all of us, but it can be especially challenging for family members not as used to or as familiar with technology. Therefore, we wanted to share some key steps
to help secure family members who may be struggling with technology and might misunderstand the risks that come with using it.

Social Engineering Attacks
A common misconception about cyber attackers is that they use only highly advanced tools and techniques to hack into peoples’ computers or accounts. Cyber attackers have learned that the easiest ways to steal your information, hack your accounts,
or infect your systems is by simply tricking you into doing it for them using a technique called social engineering. Let’s learn how these attacks work and what you can do to protect yourself.

Fake News
Generally speaking, fake news is a false narrative that is published and promoted as if it were true. Historically, fake news was usually propaganda put out by those in power to create a certain belief or support a certain position, even if
it was completely false. Social media has now created an environment where anyone with an agenda can publish falsehoods as if they were truths. People can be paid to post fake news on behalf of someone else or automated programs, often called
bots, can publish auto-generated fake news. The motivations as to why people create and distribute fake news are as numerous as there are individual opinions.

Online Security for Kids
Kids' lives are online more than ever, from socializing with friends and interacting with family to online learning and education. As parents we want to make sure they do so in a safe and secure manner. However, this is hard as many of us never
grew up in such an online environment like this. Below we cover key steps on how you can help kids make the most of online technology safely and securely.

What is Virtual Conferencing?
With so many of us now working from home, you are most likely finding yourself remotely connecting with your co-workers using virtual conferencing solutions like Zoom, Slack, or Microsoft Teams. Your family members - perhaps even your children
– may also be using these same technologies to connect with friends or for remote learning. Regardless of why you are connecting, here are key steps you can take to make the most of these technologies safely and securely.

The Power of Updating
You may not realize it but cyber attackers are constantly looking for and finding new vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the software people use every day. This software may run your laptop, could be the mobile apps you use on your smartphone,
or perhaps even the software in your baby monitor or other devices in your home.

Digital Spring Cleaning
Most of us are so looking forward to spring! The landscape starts to take shape, flowers start to bloom, and, for many, there’s a desire to spring clean. While it might be easy to see the need to purge and tidy up, realizing the need to also
digitally declutter isn’t so apparent.

Social Media Privacy
Most people would never consider walking into a crowded room and loudly broadcasting to total strangers all the details of their private life—from their health issues to their family and friends’ names, ages, jobs, or school locations. But often
these same individuals won’t think twice about posting that same information on social media. The ramifications of sharing too much can have an impact not only on your personal and professional life but also the lives of your family and friends.

Digital Inheritance
Have you ever thought about the uncomfortable question, What happens to our digital presence when we die or become incapacitated? Many of us have or know we should have a will and checklists of what loved ones need to know in the event of our
passing. But what about all of our digital data and online accounts? Should we consider some type of digital will? Should we create a “digital inheritance” plan?

Messaging / Smishing Attacks
One of the most common ways cyber attackers attempt to trick or fool people is by scamming you in email attacks (often called phishing) or try to trick you with phone calls. However, as technology continues to advance bad guys are always trying
new methods, to include tricking you with messaging technologies such as text messaging, iMessage/Facetime, WhatsApp, Slack or Skype.

Shopping Online Securely
The holiday season is nearing for many of us and soon millions of people will be looking to buy the perfect gifts. Many of us will shop online in search of great deals and to avoid noisy crowds.

Four Simple Steps to Staying Secure
Making the most of technology safely and securely can seem overwhelming and confusing. However, regardless of what technology you are using or how you are using it, here are four simple steps that will help you stay secure.

Scamming You Through Social Media
Many of us have received phishing email, either at work or home. These emails look legitimate, such as from your bank, your boss, or your favorite online store, but are really an attack, attempting to pressure or trick you into taking an action
you should not take, such as opening an infected email attachment, sharing your password, or transferring money.

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
You may find yourself needing to use public Wi-Fi for Internet access when you are away from home, such as when you are at your local restaurant or coffee shop, or when you are traveling at a hotel or airport. But how secure are these public
networks and who is watching or recording what you are doing online?

Dark Web
You may have heard the term “Dark Web” used by others or in the media and wondered “what is the Dark Web?” or “should I be doing anything about it?”. Today we explain what the Dark Web is and what it means to you.

Making Passwords Simple
You are often told your passwords are key to protecting your accounts (which is true!), but rarely are you given a simple way to securely create and manage all your passwords. Below we cover three simple steps to simplify your passwords, lock
down your accounts, and protect your future.

Personalized Scams
Cyber criminals continue to come up with new and creative ways to fool people. A new type of scam is gaining popularity—personalized scams. Cyber criminals find or purchase information about millions of people, then use that information to personalize
their attacks. Below we show you how these scams work and walk you through a common example. The more you know about these scams, the easier it is for you to spot and stop them.

Search Yourself Online
Discover what information is publicly known about you
You most likely have heard how important it is to protect your privacy and the information you share online. To demonstrate this, we are going to try something new; we are going to show you how to research yourself and discover what information
is publicly known about you. The process is called OSINT, a fancy way of saying Open Source Intelligence.

Yes, You Are A Target
Why You Are a Target
There are lots of different cyber attackers on the Internet today, and they all have different motivations. So why would any of them want to attack you? Because by hacking you they help achieve their goal. Here are two common examples of cyber
attackers and why they would target you.

Am I Hacked?
Clues You Have Been Hacked
Just like driving a car, sooner or later you may have an accident no matter how secure you are. Below are clues to help figure out if you have been hacked and, if so, what to do. The sooner you identify something bad has happened, the more likely
you can fix the problem.

Email Oops!
And How to Avoid Them
Email is still one of the primary ways we communicate, both in our personal and professional lives. However, we can often be our own worst enemy when using it. Here are the four most common mistakes people make with email and how to avoid them.

What Is CEO Fraud/BEC?
Cyber attackers continue to evolve an email attack called CEO Fraud, or Business Email Compromise (BEC). These are targeted email attacks that trick their victim into taking an action they should not take. In most cases, the bad guys are after
money. What makes these attacks so dangerous is cyber attackers research their victims before launching their attack.

Smart Home Devices
What Are Smart Home Devices?
Traditionally, only a few of your devices at home could connect to the Internet, such as your laptop, smartphone, or gaming console. However, today there are more and more devices connecting to the Internet, from your lightbulbs and speakers
to your TV, door locks, and even your car.