FAQs Public Works
Does Public Works maintain water lines, water mains and sewer mains in the City?
No, all water and sanitary sewer utilities are maintained by Miami Dade County Water and Sewer Department. If you have a problem with your water service or sanitary sewer service you'll need to contact the Miami Dade County Water and Sewer Department at customer service number 305-665-7477.
Does the City sweep streets?
Yes, the City of Doral does sweep streets. There is a scheduled street sweeping program for all City public roads, although if you call to request that your street be swept please be patient and the street sweeping rotation will get to your street.
Which roads is the City of Doral responsible for maintaining?
City only maintains public roads under City’s jurisdiction, not private roads.
Follow the link to view road allocations: Doral Maps
A sidewalk is damaged, who should I contact?
The City maintains all sidewalks along the public roads under City’s jurisdiction. In any other case, please contact the management company that maintains the common areas of the location. If unsure, please contact the Public Works Department at 305-593-6740 or email us at publicworks@cityofdoral.com
Pavement markings on the road are worn out. What can I do?
Call the Public Works Department office during business hours at 305-593-6740 and they will investigate and issue a service request to the proper agency.
When will my street be resurfaced?
The City maintains a database with the condition of all the city streets. When a street rating falls into a certain range it is due for improvement. There is a Maintenance and Rehabilitation plan located on our City website, under Public Works which shows pending roads that are scheduled for maintenance.
There is a dead tree limb or tree in the City's public right-of-way. What can I do about it?
Call the Public Works Department office during business hours at 305-593-6740 and they will investigate and issue a service request to the proper agency.
Do I need a permit to remove or replace a tree from my front yard?
Call the Public Works Department office during business hours at 305-593-6740 or visit our website at www.cityofdoral.com; under Public Works Department, and check under the “Tree Permits” tab for a detail explanation of the different scenario’s and how to proceed.
A streetlight is out or not working properly, who do I call to get it repaired?
Call the Public Works Department office during business hours at 305-593-6740 with a location so that we can investigate and report to the appropriate company for the repair.
A traffic signal is out or not working properly, whom do I call for it to be repaired?
Miami Dade County owns and maintains all signal traffic lights within the City limits. Call Miami Dade County at 311 to report this problem or call the City’s Public Works Department office during business hours at 305-593-6740 to have this reported to City of Doral Police and Miami Dade County.
There is a sign, tree, fence, etc. that obscures driver visibility at corner road intersections. What can I do about it?
Call the Public Works Department office during business hours at 305-593-6740 and they will investigate and issue a service request to the appropriate agency.

Our 311 application allows you to report any issues and send it to the City 24/7, you may attach pictures to your service request, and receive confirmation of your submittal. This application is a fast and efficient way to report any issues that require our attention.