New Parking Management Program Now in Effect
On Monday, May 1, 2023, the City of Doral launched a new parking program in the City’s urban core. The program will be rolled out in phases, with Phase 1 focusing on the Downtown Doral area:
- North to South – NW 54th Street to south of NW 52nd Street
- East to West – NW 79th Avenue to NW 87th Avenue

Paid parking took effect officially on June 5, 2023 in this Downtown Doral area.
Phase 2 of the new parking management program is in effect as of August 14, 2023 in the following areas:
Doral Legacy Park Area – NW 82nd Street and NW 112th Avenue

Doral Academy Middle/High School – NW 109th Avenue

South of CityPlace (Industrial Area) – NW 30th Terrace

NW 36th Street between NW 107th Avenue and NW 104th Avenue

The new initiative creates a coordinated parking management program with benefits that include limiting unauthorized commercial vehicles from parking in residential areas, creating vehicle turnover to allow business patrons to find parking easier, increased safety, and decreased fuel waste by reducing time spent of vehicles circling to find parking.
To pay for parking on-street, download the PayByPhone app at For more information, please visit or call (305-938-0072).
To learn more about the Miami Parking Authority, please visit
Parking enforcement is essential to a healthy parking system because it ensures that streets are used in the best interests of the community. Parking regulations also improve public safety and efficient traffic flow.
The Miami-Dade County Parking Violations Bureau collects payments, and processes disputes for parking citations issued by the Miami Parking Authority. Click here to make an online payment or complete a citation dispute form.
MPA parking enforcement officers have no quotas to fulfill and prefer to educate customers to help them avoid tickets. Towing of vehicles in the city of Doral is handled by:
Roadway Towing
6980 NW 53rd Terrace, Miami, FL 33166
Phone: (305) 593-7474
Nuevo Programa de Gestión de Estacionamiento Esta en Efecto
El lunes 1 de mayo de 2023, la Ciudad de Doral lanzará un nuevo programa de estacionamiento en el centro urbano de la Ciudad. El programa se implementará en fases, y la Fase 1 se centrará en el área del Downtown Doral:
- De norte a sur: NW 54 calle al sur de NW 52 calle
- De este a oeste: NW 79 avenida a NW 87 avenida

El estacionamiento pago entró en vigencia oficialmente el 5 de junio de 2023 en esta área de Downtown Doral.
La Fase 2 del nuevo programa de estacionamiento está vigente a partir del 14 de agosto de 2023 en las siguientes áreas:
Área del parque Doral Legacy: NW 82 calle y NW 112 avenida

Escuela intermedia/preparatoria Doral Academy – NW 109 avenida

Sur de CityPlace (área industrial) – NW 30 terraza

NW 36 calle entre NW 107 avenida y NW 104 avenida

La nueva iniciativa crea un programa de gestión de estacionamiento coordinado con beneficios que incluyen limitar el estacionamiento de vehículos comerciales no autorizados en áreas residenciales, crear rotación de vehículos para permitir que los clientes comerciales encuentren estacionamiento más fácilmente, mayor seguridad y menor desperdicio de combustible al reducir el tiempo que pasan los vehículos buscando estacionamiento.
Para pagar el estacionamiento, descargue la aplicación PayByPhone en Para obtener más información, visite o llame al (305) 938-0072.
Para obtener más información sobre la Autoridad de Estacionamiento de Miami, visite
El control del estacionamiento es esencial para un sistema de estacionamiento saludable porque garantiza que las calles se utilicen en el mejor interés de la comunidad. Las regulaciones de estacionamiento también mejoran la seguridad pública y el
flujo de tráfico eficiente.
La Oficina de Infracciones de Estacionamiento del Condado de Miami-Dade cobra pagos y procesa disputas por citaciones de estacionamiento emitidas por la Autoridad de Estacionamiento de Miami. Haga clic aquí para realizar un pago en línea o completar
un formulario de disputa de citación.
Los oficiales de control de estacionamiento de MPA no tienen cuotas que cumplir y prefieren educar a los clientes para ayudarlos a evitar multas. El remolque de vehículos en la ciudad de Doral está a cargo de:
Roadway Towing
6980 NW 53rd Terraza, Miami, FL 33166
Teléfono: (305) 593-7474
How to Pay- Pay by Phone

Pay for parking with the PayByPhone app in the City of Doral!
The City of Doral works with PayByPhone to let you pay for vehicle parking in seconds at our parking locations. The app is a completely cashless solution, reminds you when your parking session is about to expire, and even lets you extend your parking time from anywhere! PayByPhone is convenient, easy and secure.
Click the buttons below to download the iOS or Android app.

¡Pague el estacionamiento con la aplicación PayByPhone en la Ciudad de Doral!
La Ciudad de Doral trabaja con PayByPhone para permitirle pagar el estacionamiento de su vehículo en segundos en nuestros lugares de estacionamiento. ¡La aplicación es una solución que no requiere pago en efectivo, le recuerda cuando su sesión de estacionamiento está a punto de expirar, e incluso le permite extender el tiempo de estacionamiento desde cualquier lugar! PayByPhone es cómodo, fácil y seguro.
Haz clic en los siguientes botones para descargar la aplicación para iOS o Android.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are discounts available for City of Doral Residents?
City of Doral residents will receive a discount on on-street Pay by Phone parking (not valid with other discount programs). To register please provide the Pay By phone account number, mobile phone number, license plate, and upload a copy of the vehicle registration of each vehicle on the account. Vehicles must be registered in the City of Doral.
Please note that this discount is valid for City of Doral residents only and enrollment in the program must be renewed annually.
Please email or 305-938-0072 call with any questions or concerns.
How can I register for PayByPhone?
Once I find a parking space, how do I start my PayByPhone session?
What kind of mobile phone can I use with PayByPhone?
How can I avoid getting a parking ticket when using PayByPhone?
How much does it cost to register for PayByPhone?
Does PayByPhone require a minimum of minutes or hours?
Are the PayByPhone rates the same throughout the city of Doral?
Can I use PayByPhone outside of the limits of the city of Doral?
How do I extend the parking session using my Smartphone?
How do the parking officers know that I have paid for parking?
Can we add other vehicles to the same PayByPhone account?
How can we know that the credit card transaction is secured?
How do I know if PayByPhone is available where I parked?
Can I use PayByPhone in the parking lots?
Can I obtain a payment receipt?
Can I know in advance how much money will the parking session cost?
If I decide to move my vehicle to another space within the same general area during my parking session, do I need to pay again, or can I finish the parking session I had already paid for?
Is it possible to receive a citation/ticket even though I paid with PayByPhone?
Citation Waiver
If you believe that you were issued a citation in error, you may request that the citation be waived (cancelled).
You will be notified in via e-mail of the decision to waive (cancel) or not waive the citation.
Comments or concerns may be sent to
Please note that, under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. See Sec. 668.6076, Florida Statutes.
- Fill out and submit the Waiver Request Form below.
- Attach a copy of the citation.
- Attach a copy of paid status support document (receipt, credit card statement, etc.)
Contact Miami Parking Authority
Parking Enforcement Dispatch Hotline
*Available 24 hours a day/7 days a week (including holidays)*
Phone: 305-579-4900 - press option 1
Customer Service
40 Northwest 3 Street
Miami, Florida, 33128
Phone: 305-938-0072
Senior Business Analyst
George J. Mclean
Phone: 305-373-6789 ext. 240
Media Contacts
For Media inquiries, please contact:
Margarita Rohaidy Delgado
2655 LeJeune Road, Suite #533
Coral Gables, FL 33134
Phone: 305-336-6267
Senior Operations Manager of Enforcement
Humberto Escandon
Phone: 305-373-6789 ext. 243
Resident Parking Rate
- City of Doral residents can register online to receive a discount on on-street PayByPhone parking ($1.50 an hour instead of the standard $2.50 an hour – 3-hour maximum time) (not valid with other discount programs). To register residents must provide the PayByPhone account number, mobile phone number, license plate, and upload a copy of the vehicle registration of each vehicle on the account. Vehicles must be registered in the City of Doral. Please note that this discount is valid for City of Doral residents only and enrollment in the program must be renewed annually. Residents may email or call 305-938-0072 with any questions or concerns.
Monthly Residential Permits
The City of Doral is now offering limited Monthly permits for city residents. In phase 1 of the launch, the permits will only be available in select areas and are subject to the rules and regulations of the zone for which you are applying to park.
Please review the program guidelines below:
- Price: $40/per permit
- Must Submit the following required documents to apply:
- Driver’s License
- Vehicle Registration
*Vehicles used for commercial purposes do not qualify for monthly permits (e.g. marked vehicles, work vans, company cars, etc.) *
Map area below:

E-permit Residential Legacy Park
Area Map 1
Area Map 2
Area Map 3
Area Map 4

E-permit Residential NW 82nd Street
Area Map 1
Area Map 2
Commercial Permits
The city of Doral is now offering limited commercial permits. In phase 1 of the launch, the permits will only be available in select areas of the city and are only 24 hours a day/7days a week.
Please review the program guidelines below:
- Price: $40
- Must Submit the following required documents to apply:
- Proof of Ownership of the Business
- Proof of Employment
*Vehicles used for commercial purposes do not qualify for monthly permits (e.g. marked vehicles, work vans, company cars, etc.)*
For inquiries or assistance, please contact or 305-938-0072.
Map area below:

E-permit Commercial N.W. 36th Street
Area Map 1

E-permit Commercial N.W. 30th Terrace
Area Map 1

E-permit Commercial N.W. 54th Street
Area Map 1