Tree Permits
GREEN Grant Planting
Examples of Good Tree Canopy

The City of Doral after incorporation, initially adopted the Miami-Dade County codes. Section 24.49 of the Miami-Dade County Code mandate for the protection of tree’s and forests. In 2010, the City adopted its own "Code of Ordinances". Under Chapter 71, Section 5, are the requirements for tree removal and preservation.
The City of Doral Public Works Department (PWD) encourages the planting of trees and maintaining the canopy (shade provided by the extent of the branches and foliage of a tree). Our codes mandate for the protection of trees and requires that trees that are going to be removed are replaced in order to mitigate the loss of canopy which benefits the community in many different ways. Planting trees is a simple and beautiful way to revamp and improve our City shade. They also provide clean air, help reduce traffic impact, help reduce high temperature and increase property value. The planting of trees also contributes to the re-certification of the City of Doral as a "TREE CITY USA".
You may click visit their website at or click on this link to access
their Tree Removal Permit Requirements at Miami-Dade County Tree Removal Permits.
If you need to remove, replacement and/or relocate a tree, these criteria need to be followed:
- If the trees are in City of Doral public right-of-way, you are required to pull a permit from RER and from PWD.
- If the trees are in County public right-of-way, you will need a permit from RER.
- If the trees are in private property, depending on the type of tree, you will be required to have a permit from RER.
- Tree Removal Permits Exemptions

If you decide to plant a tree in front of your home, remember that early tree care is critical and can help reduce future maintenance needs. Early tree care includes watering, adjusting the stakes, mulching, weeding and pruning. Be sure to hire a contractor with experience caring for young trees, or do it yourself by first taking advantage of the many educational resources available including workshops through Miami-Dade County Extension Office – Solutions for Your Life - UF Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.
Additional Resources:

Miami-Dade County Guide to Tree Planting and Maintenance
Tree Planting and Care
The City of Doral strongly encourages property owners to consult a certified arborist, who has been certified by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) before you perform maintenance work on mature trees because they are properly trained to provide assistance for the care of larger trees. Also, be careful when having your tree pruned - It is illegal to top a tree (see photo below).
Fines will be issued to property owners who compromise the safety and health of street trees. If you should have any questions about tree care, proper maintenance techniques, please email us at or visit our website for useful links that provide more information at City of Doral - Public Works.
Please follow this link to “Tree Owner Information” from the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA).
Step by Step Process:
Based on the findings of the Street Tree inventories conducted in 2019 & 2020, the City’s consultant, E Sciences Inc., was tasked to update the Street Tree Master Plan and provide the City with a Street Tree Planting Master Plan. The Plan will help address lost canopy from storm events, identify potential planting sites, and proposes tree replacement and species for future tree planting, with the goal of increasing tree canopy by planting suitable trees within the appropriate right-of-way. In August 2020, the City’s PWD completed the 2020 Street Tree Planting Master Plan. The Plan will help the City prioritize vacant planting locations, plan the replacement of trees that were identified to be in critical condition, recommend species based on the existing trees and continuity of species, and will help plan the budgeting for the planting of almost 3,000 more trees as proposed by the Plan. In addition, the Plan will help the City in seeking State and Local grants that will help fund tree planting and will help establish future partnerships with local businesses and organizations that want to provide funding for tree planting projects. This information is available for review on the City’s GIS Portal accessible through the following link: GIS Portal Street Tree Planting Plan. Tree Species: |