Community Assistance
The City of Doral provides assistance to businesses, non-profit organizations, homeowners associations and school PTSAs through its grant programs: Community Based Organization (CBO) Grant Program, Façade Improvement Grant Program, the City of Doral PTSA Grant Program, and the School Supplies Donation Program. Below is information on the most recent grants awarded by the city.
Community Based Organization (CBO) Grants
FY23-24 Budget: $25,000.00 Awarded: $21,750.00
The Doral CBO Grant is a competitive grant program intended to provide non-profit beneficiaries with opportunities to plan, develop and implement sustainable projects that will serve the needs of the Doral community. Benefits of the Program shall have direct or indirect impact on the Doral community. Programs may include those activities of an organization that may have a direct impact on the residents. Projects for grant funding need to achieve measurable outcomes in terms of serving the residents of Doral. Maximum amount of request is limited to $5,000 per non-for-profit organization/per fiscal year, unless greater amount is approved for a specific organization by a Council motion. All organizations seeking funding must have a 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(6) status and meet all eligibility criteria.
Organizations awarded in FY23-24:
- A Better Day Therapy, Learning Center Inc. - $3,200.00
- Doral Contemporary Art Museum Inc. - $4,250.00
- Doral Symphony Orchestra Inc. - $4,050.00
- Miami Dynasty - $4,500.00
- Petare-Latam Foundation Inc. - $2,900.00
- Toys For Kids Miami Inc. - $2,850.00
Façade Improvement Grant Program
FY23-24 Budget: $50,000.00 Awarded: $41,217.13
The Doral Façade Improvement Grant Program provides financial assistance to businesses, homeowner associations and commercial property owners in Doral in order to stimulate private sector investment, beautification, economic growth and job creation in the City, by improving the appearance of the buildings within City boundaries. All grant funding is provided as reimbursement for project costs.
Organizations awarded in FY23-24:
- Americas 7910 LLC - $10,000.00
- Doral Estates Homeowners Association Inc - $10,000.00
- Doral Office Park LLC - $3,484.63
- Santorini at Islands at Doral Neighborhood Association Inc - $10,000.00
- The Village of Doral Dunes Association Inc - $7,732.50
The City of Doral PTSA Grant Program
FY23-24 Budget: $108,000.00 Awarded: $61,844.30
The City of Doral PTSA Grant Program assists Doral schools in realizing and implementing educational programs that benefit their students. Through the grant process, the City of Doral may reimburse registered PTSAs up to a maximum of $6,000.00 for approved educational enhancement programs taking place in the current school year. Applications require student enrollment numbers for the current school year. New applicants must verify a minimum of 500 students to be eligible for the maximum $6,000.00 grant amount. New PTSA applicants from schools with less than 500 students may be considered for a maximum $2,000.00 grant amount, at the City Manager’s discretion. Funding of the PTSA Grant Program for each fiscal year is subject to Council approval during each budget session. Eligible schools with active PTSA programs were required to submit a complete PTSA Grant Program Application and Final Report to receive grant funds. Funds were dispersed to approved applicants on a reimbursement basis following the submittal of a Final Report.
Organizations awarded in FY23-24 school year:
- Andrea Castillo Preparatory Academy - $2,000.00
- Doral Academy Elementary - $6,000.00
- Doral Academy Preparatory - $6,000.00
- Downtown Doral Charter Elementary School - $6,000.00
- Downtown Doral Charter Upper School - $6,000.00
- Dr. Rolando Espinosa K-8 Center - $5,996.38
- Dr. Toni Bilbao Preparatory Academy - $5,847.92
- Eugenia B. Thomas K-8 Center - $6,000.00
- JC Bermudez Senior High School - $6,000.00
- Ronald Reagan Senior High School - $6,000.00
- School for Advanced Studies - $6,000.00
School Supplies Donation Program
FY23-24 Budget: $27,000 Donated: $12,699.60
The City of Doral provides an annual school supplies donation to Doral schools with active PTSAs. The purpose of the donation is to help provide schools with a reserve of essential school supplies that can be utilized by students and teachers throughout the school year, i.e. paper, pencils, pens, disinfecting wipes.
Organizations awarded school supplies:
- Academir Charter School East
- Andrea Castillo Prep K-8
- Bridge Prep Academy of Doral
- Divine Savior Academy
- Doral Academy K-8 Charter
- Doral Academy Preparatory School
- Doral Academy North Charter Elementary
- Doral International Academy of Math & Science
- Downtown Doral Charter Elementary School
- Downtown Doral Charter Upper School
- Dr. Rolando Espinosa K-8 Center
- Dr. Toni Bilbao Preparatory Academy
- Eugenia B. Thomas K-8 Center
- JC Bermudez Sr. High School
- John I. Smith K-8 Center
- Renaissance Elementary Charter School
- Renaissance Middle Charter School
- Ronald Reagan Sr. High School
- School for Advanced Studie
Total FY23-24: $210,000.00 Total awarded: $137,511.03
For additional information, please contact:
Manuel Pila - Economic Developer
305-593-6725 ext. 7016
Nicholas Perez-Cubas – Business Outreach Coordinator
305-593-6725 ext. 7011
Façade Improvement Program
The Doral Façade Improvement Grant Program provides financial assistance to businesses, homeowner associations and commercial property owners in Doral in order to stimulate private sector investment, beautification, economic growth and job creation in the City, by improving the appearance of the buildings within City boundaries. All grant funding is provided as reimbursement for project costs.
Applications will only be accepted through the City’s online grants application portal starting at 8:00 a.m. April 7 to May 9, 2025 until 3:30 p.m. Only completed applications will be accepted.
ON MAY 9, 2025 at 3:31 p.m., Application Cycle will be closed.

Grant Description
The competitive reimbursement grant program provides financial assistance for external façade improvements to properties within the specified target area. The Façade Improvement Grant Program facilitates redevelopment by:
- Reimbursing up to 50% of the costs, up to $10,000 per property, for façade improvements.
- The program is available for the renovation of all business structures, commercial properties and publicly visible HOA entry features within the City of Doral. SEE MAP BELOW
- Highly visible buildings along major roads and properties within the Doral Décor District will be prioritized.
- Grant applications will be accepted by the City Clerk during advertised grant application cycles and reviewed by an Evaluation Committee whose recommendations will be brought to the City Council meeting for approval.

Eligible Improvements
The program provides financial assistance for the following external “facelift” improvements:- Siding/Stucco
- Walls/Fencing/Railings *
- ADA improvements *
- Pedestrian amenities *
- Windows/Doors *
- Awnings/Canopies *
- Lighting
- Painting (no Building permit required)
- Signage
- Detached monument signs (Planning/Zoning review required)
- Sidewalks/Surface Parking * (Public Works permit required)
- Landscape/Xeriscape
* May require Miami-Dade Fire & other outside agency review.
Please note that a grant application should not be considered an application for a building permit. For more info, please visit the Building Department.
The following uses of Façade Grant funding are prohibited.
- New construction
- Rent/Lease or Mortgage
- Rental deposits
- Late Payment Fees
- Salaries
- Payment of debts
- Utility Bills
- Any and all other uses not listed in the eligible uses listed above.
Conditions for automatic disqualification
- Businesses that relocate out of the district during the process.
- Must not have delinquent loan (s) and/or unresolved liens.
- Must not have an active violation from the City of Doral for the work to be funded by the grant.
- Construction must not have begun on the work to be funded by the grant.
- Applications submitted before or after the advertised grant cycle will not be eligible.
For more information, contact the Economic Development Division at
Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE)
In August 2016, the City of Doral implemented the Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program, a federally-inspired and state-approved endeavor to incentivize property owners to gain access to available funding for home energy-saving upgrades. It provides homeowners an additional voluntary option when considering how to finance improvements to their property that will increase energy efficiency, as well as safeguard their homes from hurricanes. A wide range of improvements are included in the program from impact windows and doors to solar panels and efficient air conditioners.
PACE allows property owners to pay for energy-efficient upgrades by accessing the equity in their homes, without credit checks and without compromising their income/debt ratio. Property owners can choose terms between 15-25 years and pay off their investment through an add-on to their yearly tax bill.
What is PACE?
- Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program is design to provides residences with an alternative mechanism for financing energy conservation and efficiency (i.e. energy-efficient heating, cooling, or ventilation systems), renewable energy (i.e. solar panels), wind resistance (i.e. impact resistant windows) and other improvements that are consistent with state law.
- PACE is an integrated energy program design to protect our natural resources (i.e. reduction in carbon footprint and energy cost) while improving the quality of life of our residences in a cost-effective manner.
- PACE is an important component of the city’s comprehensive economic development program because it generates new employment and business opportunities in our community and positively impacts the tax base of the city.
- PACE has generated significant amount of investment in energy efficiency technology that translate into financial savings for residents and business owners.
- The method of financing (property assessments) under the PACE Program provides a secure, well established payback mechanism that enables lower borrowing costs.
- PACE Programs must comply with applicable federal and state consumer laws and include adequate disclosures to and training for homeowners participating in the program.
- PACE Programs will help assure that energy retrofits are designed to pay for themselves within a reasonable period, and homeowners are protected against fraud or substandard work.
(CBO) Community Based Organization
Grant Program
The City of Doral assists non-profit organizations through its Community Based Organization (CBO) Grant Program. The Doral CBO Grant is a competitive reimbursement grant program intended to provide non-profit organizations based in Doral with supplemental funding to implement programs that benefit residents. Projects considered for grant funding must be able to demonstrate achievable and measurable outcomes that serve the needs of Doral residents. The maximum grant amount is $5,000 per non-profit organization per fiscal year.
Applications will only be accepted through the City’s online grants application portal starting at 8:00 a.m. February 3 to March 7, 2025 until 3:30 p.m. Only completed applications will be accepted.
Start your application now!
ON MARCH 7, 2025 at 3:31 p.m., Application Cycle will be closed.
Eligibility Criteria
- Applicant must be an active Doral-based organization registered as a not-for-profit corporation with the State of Florida.
- Applicant must be either a not-for-profit U.S. based charitable 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(6) corporation in accordance with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidelines with a valid Tax ID #.
- Must have up-to-date City of Doral Certificate of Use.
- All funds received from the City shall be used for the specific project.
- Applicants are eligible to receive only one (1) CBO Grant award per fiscal year (October 1 through September 30).
- Applicants will only use the funds for the benefit of Doral residents.
- Eligible events must take place within the City of Doral. City Manager may consider the application for events outside of City limits if the event benefits Doral residents and/or students.
- Organizations may only receive CBO Grant awards for two (2) consecutive grant cycles.
The City of Doral is unable to consider grants for the following:
- Travel or conferences for employees of non-profit organizations.
- Political Action Committees (PACs), political causes or candidates, fraternal or alumni organizations.
- Religious organizations, unless they are engaged in programs that are non-sectarian and benefit a broad base of the community.
- General operating expenses or outstanding debt of the organization.
- Expenses related to alcohol.
- Organizations that receive other sources of City funding may be ineligible to receive grant award.