Economic Development Reports

Biannual Report – January-June 2024
This Biannual Economic Report for Biannual 1 - 2024 is produced by the Economic Development division in conjunction with the Public Affairs department. It provides an economic snapshot of the City of Doral and
provides information on Economic Development programs and activities from the first half of 2024.
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Economic Analysis Report 2024
The City of Doral Economic Analysis Report 2024 Update is a comprehensive study of the City’s diverse economy produced by Florida International University’s Metropolitan Center. The new 2024 report is an update of the original City of Doral Economic
Analysis Report released in November 2017.
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Biannual Report – July-December 2023
This Biannual Economic Report for Biannual 2 - 2023 is produced by the Economic Development division of the Planning and Zoning Department in conjunction with the Public Affairs department. It provides an economic snapshot of the City of Doral and
provides information on Economic Development programs and activities from the second half of 2023.
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Biannual Report – January-June 2023
This Biannual Economic Report for Biannual 1 - 2023 is produced by the Economic Development division of the Planning and Zoning Department in conjunction with the Public Affairs department. It provides an economic snapshot of the City of Doral and
provides information on Economic Development programs and activities from the first half of 2023.
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Quarterly Report – Q3-Q4 2022
This Quarterly Economic Report for Q3-Q4 2022 is produced by the Economic Development division of the Planning and Zoning Department in conjunction with the Public Affairs department. It provides information about Economic Development programs and activities from the second half of 2022 and previews some of the events and initiatives planned for the first 6 months of 2023.* The report also provides an economic snapshot of the City of Doral during that time frame, including real estate information, unemployment data, visitor statistics and smart city data.
* Please note that planned 2023 event dates may change due to unforeseen circumstances; please check events calendars on and the city’s social media for updates.
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Quarterly Report – Q1-Q2 2022
The Economic Development division promotes the City of Doral as a business-friendly destination and assists businesses interested in opening in, relocating to, or expanding their operations in, the City of Doral. The division builds relationships with business and government, administers grants, capitalizes on opportunities, and seeks out new businesses. The division offers orientation, economic data, site aid, referrals, and individualized assistance to new businesses. The division helps existing firms with information, education, access to capital, connections and promotions. The division generates targeted leads through advertising, media messaging, content, and promotions. Other outreach mediums include presentations and educational events.
Cycle Period: 2021-2022 School Year
The PTSA Grant Program for the 2021-22 school year assisted more than a dozen Doral schools in implementing educational programs that benefit their students. Through the grant process, the City of Doral reimbursed PTSAs and schools up to a maximum
of $6,000 for approved educational enhancement programs taking place in the current school year. The grant funded art projects, botanical gardens, computer purchases, technology updates, educational software, creation of a STEAM lab, wellness
supplies, athletic equipment, fitness materials, musical instruments and many more important initiatives in our schools. Thanks to all the hard-working students, parents and school administrators for displaying dedication and creativity in the application
process. See you next school year!
Awarded April 2022
The CBO Grant Program provided non-profit organizations based in the city with up to $5,000 to plan, develop and implement sustainable projects that will serve the needs of the Doral community. Congratulations to Dios Con Nosotros, Doral Recreational
Sports, Friends of Doral Scouts, and Vet Info Inc. for their winning applications!
Awarded June 2022
The Doral Façade Improvement Grant Program awarded up to $10,000 in grant funds to five businesses and HOAs in Doral that applied for assistance in comprehensive improvement projects on properties in the city. The competitive grant was available
for exterior improvements like painting, signage or lighting. Congratulations to Coronado at Doral Master Association, Costa Verde HOA, Motor Car Kingdom, NGF 8500 and Ralgo Doral for investing in the beautification of Doral!
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Quarterly Report – Q4 2021
Doral supports businesses, non-profit organizations, schools and residents with grants dedicated to educational enhancement, beautification, and quality of life. For info, visit
Cycle Period: October 2021-May 2022
The PTSA Grant Program assists Doral schools in realizing and implementing educational programs that benefit their students. Through the grant process, the City of Doral may reimburse registered PTSAs up to a maximum of $6,000 for approved educational
enhancement programs taking place in the current school year. New PTSA applicants from schools with less than 500 students may be considered for a maximum $2,000 grant amount.
Grant Cycle Period: February 7, 2022 - March 11, 2022 at 3:30 p.m.
The purpose of the CBO Grant Program is to provide non-profit organizations based in the city with opportunities to plan, develop and implement sustainable projects that will serve the needs of the Doral community. The maximum grant amount is a
$5,000 reimbursement per organization, per fiscal year. Grant categories include: Community Development, Education, Heath/Human Services, Arts and Culture, Civic Engagement and the Environment.
Grant Cycle Period: April 3, 2022 - May 13, 2022 at 3:30 p.m.
The Doral Façade Improvement Grant Program provides financial assistance to businesses, homeowner associations and commercial property owners in Doral in order to improve the appearance of buildings within the city. The program provides financial
assistance by reimbursing up to 50% of the costs, in an amount not to exceed $10,000 per project, associated with façade and beautification projects. Highly visible properties along major roads and properties in the Décor District will be prioritized.
HOAs may only apply for the improvement of public entry features such as signage or walls.
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Quarterly Report – Q2-Q3 2021
According to author John Naisbitt, ''The role of governments should be to create a flourishing environment for entrepreneurs and companies to flourish." The Economic Development division works closely with many outstanding institutions that offer
a wealth of valuable support services at no cost to the city's businesses. Here are just a few of the trusted partners that have been aiding Doral's firms to succeed. For more information on these partnerships,
CAMACOL Doral, a branch of the largest Hispanic business organization in the State of Florida, is dedicated to ensuring that businesses in Doral and the surrounding communities are provided with opportunities to grow and create jobs.
CareerSource South Florida
CareerSource South Florida assists employers and job seekers with employment services and trainings, providing business incentives and offering valuable resources to our diverse community through a network of centers throughout the region.
Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council (FSMSDC)
Enterprise Florida serves as the state's primary entity for trade and export development supporting more than 60,000 Florida exporting businesses.
Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses
Florida's SBDC @ FIU brings local companies a team of highly experienced business experts who offer confidential, no-cost consulting to entrepreneurs and business owners looking to grow.
Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau (GMCVB)
The Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau is the official, accredited destination sales and marketing organization for Greater Miami and Miami Beach.
Miami-Dade Beacon Council
The Miami-Dade Beacon Council, a public-private partnership, facilitates business growth and expansion locally, nationally and internationally.
Prospera is an economic development, nonprofit organization specialized in providing bilingual assistance to Hispanic entrepreneurs trying to establish or expand their business.
U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) delivers loans, loan guarantees, contracts, counseling sessions and other forms of assistance to small businesses.
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Quarterly Report – Q1 2021
In the past 6 months, the Economic Development division has spearheaded programs to help Doral businesses, residents, non-profits, schools and HOAs survive and thrive during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are a few of the ways we’ve been able to help. For more information on these programs, visit
Doral CARES Small Business Assistance Grants & Emergency Rental Assistance Program – From October 1st to December 30th 2020, the City of Doral processed 663 Doral CARES Grant applications, awarding $1.4 million to 264 businesses and residents who could demonstrate they had been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Qualified businesses located in Doral were eligible to receive up to $10,000 to reimburse them for expenses, and residents were able to request up to $2,500 payments to their landlords to assist with their rent.
Community Based Organizations (CBO) Grant – In April 2021, the city approved nearly $20,000 in grants to non-profit organizations to facilitate programs benefiting the community. Doral-based organizations that were awarded up to a maximum of $5,000 in CBO Grant funds included DORCAM, Everlasting Dance Foundation, Miami Youth Orchestra and Power2Voice.
PTSA Grants – Throughout the challenging 2020/21 school year, the city offered its PTSA organizations up to $6,000 each to augment educational programs in Doral schools. This year, schools were able to fund computer learning centers, musical instruments, reading programs and software to improve communication with students and parents.
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Economic Analysis: Report I - Competitive Assessment
The City of Doral Economic Analysis: Competitive Assessment Report is a product of the Florida International University Metropolitan Center.
The Florida International University Metropolitan Center is Florida’s leading urban policy think tank and solutions center. Established in 1997, the Center provides economic development, strategic planning, community revitalization, and performance improvement services to public, private and non-profit organizations in South Florida. Its staff and senior researchers are leaders in their respective fields, and bring extensive research, practical, and professional experience to each project. The Center’s research has catalyzed major policy initiatives and projects in housing, economic redevelopment, transportation, social services, and health services throughout South Florida.
Effective economic development strategy relies on a process of identifying opportunity and building on local strengths while addressing challenges and shoring up weaknesses. The search for new economic opportunity requires knowing where to look, and sometimes taking a different look at the local economic landscape to uncover opportunities that at first blush may not be obvious. The City of Doral Economic Analysis: Competitive Assessment provides a data-driven assessment of Doral’s economy and a platform for new economic development policy that addresses the City’s economic development goals and provide solutions for pressing problems.
Overall, the City of Doral faces a transition point. The City has enjoyed rapid economic expansion, population growth and real estate development. This growth has not come without a price, however. With a shrinking inventory of vacant land for new development, the City’s growth will soon begin slowing down from its explosive pace of the last 15 years.
At this point in its history, the City’s leaders have the opportunity to make sound economic choices by mainly focusing on the quality of future economic growth. In choosing to do so, they can enact new development policy that increases opportunity, redresses income inequality, stabilizes the City’s economy against recessionary swings and improves the quality of life for Doral’s residents and visitors.
The FIU Metropolitan Center’s analysis of the City of Doral’s key economic characteristics follows. After review and approval, the Center’s research team will work with City staff and leaders to develop and recommend new development policy and strategies in the subsequent The City of Doral Economic Analysis: Strategic Policy Recommendations Report.
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Economic Analysis: Report II - Strategic Policy Recommendations
The City of Doral engaged the FIU Metropolitan Center to complete a Strategic Economic Development Plan to guide the City’s role in shaping Doral’s economic future. The Center first completed The City of Doral Economic Analysis: Competitive Assessment — a data-driven assessment of the key strengths, opportunities and issues regarding Doral’s economy, which serves as the knowledge platform for forward-looking new economic development policy.
Drawn from the Competitive Assessment, this document provides a series of strategic policy and program recommendations based on 1) the Center’s assessment of Doral’s economy, 2) future economic, occupational, workplace, residential and transportation trends, and 3) the Centers understanding of Doral’s stated goals and aspirations to be a model family-friendly City in which to live, work, invest, learn and play, and 4) best practices in local strategic economic development policy.
The Center’s recommendations are framed by four over-arching conclusions. First, the City of Doral has enjoyed explosive economic growth and population expansion shared by few cities since 2000. Doral has developed into a highly diversified economy, balancing manufacturing, advanced services, transshipment, corporate headquarters and unique merchant retail sectors. In fact, its sector mix, combined with its high household incomes and wages, may be a model for Miami-Dade County.
Second, Doral has also developed as highly preferred place to live. The City’s residential development growth has paralleled its jobs growth performance. Over the last eight years, City leaders have had the foresight to balance quality of life issues with economic promoting and funding the development of greater walkability, connectedness, and high quality public spaces and facilities that continue to attract the region’s most skilled and educated workers as a place to live. This growth has not come without a price, however, indicated by the City’s growing transportation congestion, household housing and transportation costs and shrinking supply of housing affordable for most of its workers. Despite building a solid platform for future growth, failure to aggressively address these issues may threaten Doral’s jobs growth and quality of life.
Third, future growth is never guaranteed, as proven by the last recession, which permanently damaged many communities across Florida. Also, the City is now largely built-out. The City’s three annexation proposals will add more tax base, but not more vacant land. Combined with changes in how offices are developed and where and how workers actually work each day, future job growth will come almost exclusively from the expansion and formation of small companies employing 50 or less, and not from large-scale mega development projects or headquarters relocations. This means that traditional land development-based economic development practices will be become less important, and the focus on enhancing the technological, innovation and knowledge and skills capacity of its network of small business will become much more important.
Lastly, if Doral’s last chapter was a story of explosive jobs, residential and population growth, the City’s leaders have the opportunity to write its next chapter by focusing on the quality of future economic growth, expanding opportunity and incomes, stabilizing the City’s economy against recessionary swings and addressing local and regional transportation problems.
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