2024-01-08 Animal Welfare Committee Meeting - NOTICE
2024-01-08 Animal Welfare Committee Meeting - NOTICE.pdf
2024-01-08 Military Affairs Advisory Board Meeting - NOTICE
2024-01-08 Military Affairs Advisory Board Meeting - NOTICE.pdf
2024-01-09 Citizens Audit Advisory Board Meeting - NOTICE
2024-01-09 Citizens Audit Advisory Board Meeting - NOTICE.pdf
Liquid error: Initialization of the database connection or transaction failed. This operation should be retried later. Initialization exception message: Database 'db_crmcoreff_20220218_09084905_e6af' on server 'spartan-srv-gov-crmcoreff-ba5524e04d45' is not currently available. Please retry the connection later. If the problem persists, contact customer support, and provide them the session tracing ID of '824A2127-184D-4A3B-A2B9-0E96B4B097D8'.
2024-01-10 Council Meeting - NOTICE
2024-01-10 Council Meeting - NOTICE.pdf
2024-01-10 Notice of Public Hearing Ord. 2023-35 - PUBLISHED
2024-01-10 Notice of Public Hearing Ord. 2023-35 - PUBLISHED.pdf
2024-01-11 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting - NOTICE
2024-01-11 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting - NOTICE.pdf
2024-01-16 Commission on the Status of Women - NOTICE
2024-01-16 Commission on the Status of Women - NOTICE.pdf
2024-01-16 Cultural Affairs Advisory Board Meeting - NOTICE
2024-01-16 Cultural Affairs Advisory Board Meeting - NOTICE.pdf
2024-01-16 Police and Traffic Advisory Board Meeting - NOTICE
2024-01-16 Police and Traffic Advisory Board Meeting - NOTICE.pdf
2024-01-17 Charter Revision Commission Meeting - NOTICE
2024-01-17 Charter Revision Commission Meeting - NOTICE.pdf