Res. No. 24-154 Work Order Trolley Hub and Spoke Alternative Update Gannett Fleming
Res. No. 24-154 Work Order Trolley Hub and Spoke Alternative Update Gannett Fleming.pdf
Res. No. 24-155 Public Art Temporary Art Installation Mi Casa Your Casa
Res. No. 24-155 Public Art Temporary Art Installation Mi Casa Your Casa.pdf
Res. No. 24-156 LDC Text Amendment Remove Alcoholic Beverage Regulations and Create Chapter 34
Res. No. 24-156 LDC Text Amendment Remove Alcoholic Beverage Regulations and Create Chapter 34.pdf
Res. No. 24-157 LDC Text Amendment Harborgenix LLC
Res. No. 24-157 LDC Text Amendment Harborgenix LLC.pdf
Res. No. 24-158 Doral Marketplace Site Plan
Res. No. 24-158 Doral Marketplace Site Plan.pdf
Res. No. 24-159 Lithia Motors Green Reuse Area
Res. No. 24-159 Lithia Motors Green Reuse Area.pdf
Liquid error: Initialization of the database connection or transaction failed. This operation should be retried later. Initialization exception message: Database 'db_crmcoreff_20220218_09084905_e6af' on server 'spartan-srv-gov-crmcoreff-ba5524e04d45' is not currently available. Please retry the connection later. If the problem persists, contact customer support, and provide them the session tracing ID of 'E9C235EC-6531-4967-8E3E-DFCEF37663E2'.
Res. No. 24-16 Removal of City Manager Barbara Hernandez
Res. No. 24-16 Removal of City Manager Barbara Hernandez.pdf
Res. No. 24-160 Tentative Millage Rate FY 24-25
Res. No. 24-160 Tentative Millage Rate FY 24-25.pdf
Res. No. 24-161 Building Permit Fee Utilization and Modification
Res. No. 24-161 Building Permit Fee Utilization and Modification.pdf
Res. No. 24-162 Approving Two Charitable Donations Councilwoman Cabral
Res. No. 24-162 Approving Two Charitable Donations Councilwoman Cabral.pdf