Res. No. 21-76 Adopt-a-Street Publigraphic, LLC
Res. No. 21-76 Adopt-a-Street Publigraphic, LLC.pdf
Res. No. 21-77 Work Order HW Lochner Develop a Tree Protection Ordinance
Res. No. 21-77 Work Order HW Lochner Develop a Tree Protection Ordinance.pdf
Res. No. 21-78 COVID-19 Closure of NW 53 Street Extension
Res. No. 21-78 COVID-19 Closure of NW 53 Street Extension.pdf
Res. No. 21-79 Text Amendment Chapter 71
Res. No. 21-79 Text Amendment Chapter 71.pdf
Res. No. 21-80 Text Amendment Chapter 77
Res. No. 21-80 Text Amendment Chapter 77.pdf
Res. No. 21-81 Weiss Serota Legal Services for Legacy Park
Res. No. 21-81 Weiss Serota Legal Services for Legacy Park.pdf
Res. No. 21-82 Professional Services Agreement EXP US Services Inc
Res. No. 21-82 Professional Services Agreement EXP US Services Inc.pdf
Res. No. 21-83 Award Central Park Const. Materials Testing and Insp. Intertek PSI
Res. No. 21-83 Award Central Park Const. Materials Testing and Insp. Intertek PSI.pdf
Res. No. 21-84 Awarding CBO Grants FY 21 Cycle 1
Res. No. 21-84 Awarding CBO Grants FY 21 Cycle 1.pdf
Res. No. 21-85 Agreement PFM for Synopsis Forecasting Tool
Res. No. 21-85 Agreement PFM for Synopsis Forecasting Tool.pdf