Res. No. 15-244 Banking Svcs Wells Fargo N.A.
Res. No. 15-244 Banking Svcs Wells Fargo N.A..pdf
Res. No. 15-243 Agreement with Feeding South Florida
Res. No. 15-243 Agreement with Feeding South Florida.pdf
Res. No. 15-242 Agreement with Digital Alliance for Surplus Equipment
Res. No. 15-242 Agreement with Digital Alliance for Surplus Equipment.pdf
Res. No. 15-241 Approving Annexation Items
Res. No. 15-241 Approving Annexation Items.pdf
Res. No. 15-240 Agreement with BV Oil Company
Res. No. 15-240 Agreement with BV Oil Company.pdf
Res. No. 15-24 Increase to Goodyear Purchase Order
Res. No. 15-239 Contract Extension to Envirowaste Catch Basin Maintenance
Res. No. 15-239 Contract Extension to Envirowaste Catch Basin Maintenance.pdf
Res. No. 15-238 Work Order Marlin Engineering Pavement Management
Res. No. 15-238 Work Order Marlin Engineering Pavement Management.pdf
Res. No. 15-237 Agreement with Enterprise Leasing Company
Res. No. 15-237 Agreement with Enterprise Leasing Company.pdf
Res. No. 15-236 Agreement with Goodyear for Replacement Tires
Res. No. 15-236 Agreement with Goodyear for Replacement Tires.pdf