Press Release
City of Doral Commemorates
2023 Earth Day with Series of Events!
Doral, FL – The City of Doral, as part of the 2023 Earth Day Celebration, proclaimed Saturday, April 22, 2023, as “Earth Day” in Doral and partnered with the Earth Day Network to bring awareness and provide options to take action
and make an impact.
The City hosted a series of events on a weekly basis during the month of April that included literacy, workshops, storytelling, and a butterfly release at the Butterfly Garden at Doral Glades Park. The City also hosted a Citywide Cleanup at several
City streets with the participation of current “Adopt-a-Street” program participants and other volunteer groups that came together to make an impact. Overall, the volunteers collected approximately 500 pounds of trash from the City’s right-of-way.
We thank all the participants and groups, which included: Vice Mayor Rafael Pineyro, Councilwoman Maureen Porras, Florida General Counsel, P.A.; Toys for Kids Miami, the Brilhante-Prieto Family, the Mora-Roman Family, the Girls Scouts of Doral Troop
552, the BSA Girl Scouts Troop 552, the Ronald Reagan Interactive Club, and Councilwoman Digna Cabral’s group of volunteers.
EARTHDAY.ORG President Ms. Kathleen Rogers explained: “National Cleanup Day is a pivotal partner of EARTHDAY.ORG in our effort to draw attention to the global waste crisis, particularly plastics. In addition to protecting the environment, we are
activating our cleanup volunteers to support the newly introduced global plastics treaty. Our goal is to build the world’s largest effort to eliminate plastics and other waste from our environment once and for all.”
For more information on the City’s green initiatives and programs, please visit our website!