Press Release
Doral Mayor Orders Use of Face Covers
Doral, FL - City of Doral Mayor Juan Carlos Bermudez has signed an Emergency Order (2020-05) requiring all employees and customers of grocery stores, hardware stores, pharmacies and restaurants to wear a form of a facial covering over their noses and mouths, at all times, while inside the establishments. All individuals providing delivery services shall wear a form of a facial covering over their noses and mouths while making deliveries. All persons performing construction activities shall, at all times, wear facial coverings while on the construction site. This will be effective April 10th at 11:59 p.m.
A facial covering over the nose and mouth may include a face mask, homemade mask, or other cloth covering, such as a scarf, bandana, or handkerchief. Examples of compliant homemade masks may be found at
Employees and customers of all other essential retail and commercial establishments are strongly encouraged to wear a form of a facial covering over the nose and mouth.
Doral Police and Code Compliance Officers will be educating our businesses and enforcing this order. Businesses not in compliance can be reported to or 305-593-6680.
As the situation continues to develop, make sure you are following us on social media -- @cityofdoral (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) and on the City of Doral COVID-19 webpage for announcements on possible future changes to other City operations.
Emergency Order from the Mayor (No.2020-05) 4-10-2020
Emergency Order from the Mayor (No.2020-05) 4-10-2020 - En español
En español