Important Update: New Private Property Parking Ordinance in Doral

Important Update: New Private Property Parking Ordinance in Doral

Important Update: New Private Property Parking Ordinance in Doral

We want to inform you about a new private property parking ordinance that has been implemented in Doral – Ordinance #2024-25.

Important Update: New Private Property Parking Ordinance in Doral

We want to inform you about a new private property parking ordinance that has been implemented in Doral – Ordinance #2024-25. This ordinance outlines the rules and regulations regarding parking on private property as in accordance with Florida Statute §715.075. This new parking ordinance aims to promote fairness, transparency, and consistency in private property parking practices.

Key Points:

  • Parking Rules on Private Propery: Property owners/operators may establish rules and rates for parking. Violating these rules may result in parking charges administered through a non-governmental entity.
  • Signage Requirements: Property owners must place signage (minimum size: 36x24 inches) that clearly lists parking rules, rates, a working phone number, email address for inquiries, and notice of a grace period and appeal process.
  • Non-Governmental Authority: Any parking invoice issued must include the statement: "THIS INVOICE IS PRIVATELY ISSUED, IS NOT ISSUED BY A GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY, AND IS NOT SUBJECT TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES."
  • Invoice Timing: Parking invoices must be placed on the vehicle or mailed within 5 business days of the violation.
  • Late Fee Restrictions: No late fees can be assessed until at least 30 days after the invoice is issued or after the denial of an appeal, whichever is later.
  • Appeal Process: A method to dispute and appeal parking charges must be provided, allowing individuals to contest any charges they believe were issued in error.
  • Grace Period: A 15-minute grace period must be provided for vehicles entering the property, during which no parking charges may be incurred.
  • Privacy Protection: Property owners are prohibited from selling or transferring any personal information obtained through parking services to third parties.

For more information or to report any instances of non-compliance with the parking ordinance, please contact the Code Compliance Department at

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