Crime Scene Investigation Unit CSI
Contact: Sergeant Nilsa Mercado
305) 593-6699 Ext. 2112
The Crime Investigations Unit (CSI) responds to a multitude of calls for the City of Doral Police Department. The purpose of the CSI team is to provide investigators with significant leads to different cases that result in either the arrest of a subject, or to assist in building a case against an individual. The CSI team is tasked with photographing incidents and the collection of all types of evidence, such as fingerprints, blood, saliva, hair fibers, shoe impressions, tire impressions, and weapons such as knives and firearms. The purpose and primary function is to identify unknown individuals who are directly related with crimes occurring within the City. The task is accomplished by submitting collected DNA evidence and fingerprints to a criminal database for identification. The database analysis submitted evidence and provides our Department with detailed information directly relating to the individual involved. This information is a vital part of the investigation. With the evidence gathered, investigators can make arrests and solve cases.