Community Development Districts Information

- What are CDDs and why are they relevant now to Doral residents?
Answer: A Community Development District (CDD) is a governmental unit created to serve the long-term specific needs of its community. Established by a developer, landowner or government pursuant to Chapter 190 of the Florida Statues, CDDs are created for the purpose of planning, financing, constructing, operating and maintaining community-wide infrastructures and services specifically for the benefit of its residents.
Below are some useful links with information regarding CDD’s :
- Community Development Districts
- Chapter 190 Community Development Districts
- List of CDDs with Telephone Numbers
- Florida Special District Hand Book Online
- Yearly CDD Fiscal Reports
Community Development District Map
Community Development Districts Workshop Presentation
Community Development Districts Fact Sheet
“Should you have any questions regarding CDD’s, or would like some information regarding resources, please contact”.