Internal Affairs Unit

How to file a Commendation or a formal Complaint:
In Person
You may come to the main police headquarters at 6100 NW 99 Avenue, Doral, Fl 33176. The office is open Monday through Friday, 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Appointments are not necessary.
By Phone
You may call 305-593-6699 and ask to speak with a supervisor or call the Professional Compliance and Standards Section at 786-845-4616.
By Fax or Email
You may submit your Commendation or Compliant by fax at 786-871-1501 or email it to
Commend an Employee
The City of Doral Police Department is committed to providing excellent police service to our community. Doral Police employees make every effort to perform their duties in a competent, courteous and professional manner. We appreciate receiving positive feedback on the performance of our employees, and the employees appreciate it as well. If you encounter a Doral Police employee performing exceptional service that reflects favorably upon the employee and the Department, we would encourage you to take a moment and tell us about it by completing the online Commendation Intake Form or writing a brief letter describing the incident and the actions you think were exceptional.
File a Complaint
All complaints will be accepted by the Professional Compliance and Standards Section in person, by letter, telephone or anonymously. Complaints are thoroughly investigated in a fair and unbiased manner with the truth of the matter being the sole objective. In cases where Internal Affairs conducts the investigations, the complainant, the affected employee and all witnesses are interviewed under oath. If a crime has been alleged, the Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office will be contacted to determine if criminal charges should be filed.
Complaint Investigation Process
A report is prepared that includes these interviews and all other evidence pertinent to the case. The report is forwarded through Internal Affairs for review and recommendation of disposition. The Chief of Police makes the final decision regarding disposition of the formal complaint. The disposition of the allegations made in the complaint may be sustained, not sustained or unfounded. Letters of disposition will be sent to the complainant at the conclusion of the case. If the allegations are sustained, the Chief of Police will determine the disciplinary action taken. The average case takes from 30 days to 6 months to complete. This would depend on the complexity of the case, the availability of witnesses, and the involvement of other agencies, such as the State Attorney’s Office.
Employee investigations remain confidential until finalized. No participant including complainants, investigated employees, investigators, and/or witnesses will disclose any information regarding the investigation until the conclusion of the investigation.
While the Doral Police Department encourages individuals to report legitimate complaints of misconduct, it also assumes and expects that all individuals will not file frivolous, vindictive or false complaints against employees who have properly performed their duties. State law forbids the intentional filing of a false report to law enforcement and also prohibits anyone from lying under oath.
Once the investigation is completed, the complainant will be notified via certified letter as to the result of the investigation. Under Florida’s Public Records Law, all completed cases become public record and are available for inspection during normal business hours. The case files are kept at the Internal Affairs Unit.